O Melhor dos Mundos

Monday, February 27, 2006

Recordando a Guerra Civil de Espanha

" E em longas bichas, de todos os países, aqules que conheciam o bastante da pobreza para morrerem por amor de acabar com ela, com as suas espingardas, quando as tinham, e com as mãos com que as teriam empunhado, se não lhes ficavam mais armas, vieram encontrar a morte uns após outros nas terras de Espanha, aonde jazem...."

André Malraux

Friday, February 24, 2006

Os Pastorinhos

Quem viu primeiro a santinha foram as ovelhas.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Já passarm 366 dias

you'll never walk alone

Friday, February 17, 2006


“Each European cow gets subsidies worth 157 times what the EU gives to each African. That is actually true: the EU gives €5.4 a year to each person in extreme poverty, it gives €848 a year to each dairy cow in Europe.”

“We are all failing Africa but Europe in particular is failing Africa – and itself in the process. I say in particular because they are our immediate neighbour. Our common history goes back millennia – through the black popes and saints, Islamic period, the crusades, the slave trade and colonialism and post-independence. But it is our future together that is most at stake.”

“Europe should now stand on the threshold of a great new idea – the ability to lead the planet on a different type of crusade. To make poverty history. It needs to do it, it should do it, and it can do it. It can make the condition of the lives whole and healthy should it want to. It can through our example of turning a battered, ruined, bankrupt, starving and war-torn continent into a prosperous and democratic one. And this is the great modern European achievement. The problem is that we have never had a shared sense of the continent's responsibilities to the rest of the world. Each country has gone through its own national rethink overcoming the knowledge of what we are to the ideal of what we could be.”

Sir Bob Geldof
Prémio Norte-Sul 2005 do Conselho da Europa

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

O que fazer a este senhor?

Obviamente demiti-lo!!!!

PS - Com um bilhete de ida para o Irão

Let the show begin
